Authors: Jindřich Štreit

Where is my home (spec. ed.)

10 000 CZK (app. 383 €)

 The Best Photobook in the Middle and Eastern Europe

    winner in the category of Contemporary Photograph (2016)
    Mesiac fotografie, Bratislava, Slovakia


 The Most Beautiful Czech Books of 2016 (2017)

    winner in the Fine-press and artist´s books category


Special edition of the project Where is my home includes enlargement by Jindřich Štreit and golden embossing on the box.


Jindřich Štreit has decided to celebrate his 70th birthday with an art project that shifts the conception of a classical photography book toward an interactive object.


The theme of the project Where Is My Home is homeless people. For the last four years, Jindra of Sovinec has been photographing them intensively. He has arranged the outcome of the work into a series which he symbolically encased in a cardboard box and fastened with twine.


Why a box? The concept of this book–object in fact draws on materials well known to people lacking a home. In the darkest moments, these are the materials that become their possessions, cornerstones of their transitory homes.


We are releasing the book–object into two parallel worlds. Where Is My Home travels both to people who possess a dwelling and to those who do not exactly have one. Yet the owners and giftees of the book will be able to enjoy it all in the same way, regardless of their social status. You can use the book–object to decorate your place; it slips easily onto a bookshelf – and thereby keeps its looks – or it can be taken apart into its constituent elements which may be gifted or used as a medium of exchange.


For the greater part of his creative life, Jindřich Štreit has been engaged in the portraiture of unique milieus and their inhabitants. Yet he does not try to forcefully aestheticize powerful social themes, but rather documents the world as it is. His approach to the photographed subjects remains humane. Thanks to this, he is able to successfully overstep the boundaries of private spaces. And thanks to that we are able to glimpse something more. In this box, too. 


The project was accompanied by the limited edition of the cap homelesska by Drömm.





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